How to Get Different Lip Shape Lip Fillers: Most Popular Lip Shapes

Puffy, plump lips are all the rage these days. Getting lip fillers is becoming more and more popular for people who want bigger, fuller lips. Lip fillers are injections that add volume to the lips. Many different types of lip shapes can be achieved through different lip filler techniques.

Who doesn’t want gorgeous, eye-catching lips like their favorite movie stars and models? While some are lucky enough to be born with naturally beautiful lips, others are trying to get that same look with the help of lip fillers. Whether you want a subtle boost or a dramatic transformation, lip fillers could be the solution for you.

This article will explore the most sought-after and celebrity-inspired lip shapes. You’ll learn about the different dermal filler options, what each lip shape entails, average costs, and more. If you’re considering enhancing your smile with cosmetic treatments, this article on today’s most popular lip filler shapes will help you decide what look is best for you. Fuller, more defined lips that fit your style are within your reach

Anatomy of the Lips

The lips are made up of skin, muscle and connective tissue. The pink or reddish part of your lips is called the vermilion border. The skin of your lips lacks hair follicles and oil glands, which is why the lips often become chapped and dry.

Cupid’s Bow

The Cupid’s bow is the curved V-shaped part of your upper lip. It got its name because it looks like the bow of Cupid, the Roman god of erotic love. The Cupid’s bow highlights the symmetry of your lips and smile.



Your philtrum is the groove in the middle of your upper lip, just under your nose. This indentation defines the lips and plays an important role in your facial expressions.

Vermilion Boarder

As mentioned before, the vermilion border is the line where your outer lip skin meets the pinkish-reddish part of your inner lip. This border outlines the shape of your lips.


The tubercles are the small vertical ridges on your lips. The upper lip usually has two tubercles while the lower lip has one. They provide more texture and detail to the lip.

Oral Commissures

The oral commissures are where your upper and lower lips meet at the corners of your mouth. The commissures form your mouth’s width and can be lifted upwards into a smile.

Natural Shape

Natural lip shape lip fillers are designed to subtly enhance your natural lip outline and volume. The goal is to plump your lips while retaining their natural contour. This looks polished but understated.

Heart Shaped or Hollywood Lips

Heart Shaped or Hollywood Lips

Heart-shaped lips, also called Hollywood lips, have a pronounced Cupid’s bow and fuller center and corners. This creates a symmetric, sensual heart or diamond shape when your mouth is closed. It’s a glamorous yet versatile look.

M Shaped Lips

M-shaped lips get their name from having two indentations that make your upper lip resemble the letter M. This style uses fillers to create a subtle dip on either side of your upper lip’s peak for definition.

Key-Hole Lips

Key-hole lips aim for a rounder overall lip shape combined with a hollowed-out bottom lip. More filler is placed toward the outer portions, making it appear as though your lips have a key-hole space in the middle.

Pillowy Lips

Pillowy lips focus on extra volume through the middle third of your lips to make them look plush, soft, and pillow-like. The center protrudes while the edges remain relatively flat for a cute pushed-out pout.

Cupid’s Bow Shape

Enhancing your natural Cupid’s bow with lip fillers provides depth and definition. It can make your upper lip appear fuller and more youthfully pronounced for an eye-catching smile. More filler is strategically injected into the bow’s ridges.

Gull Wing Lips

Gullwing lips get their unusual name from their wing-like shape. The upper lip dips down dramatically in the middle while the corners angle sharply up, resembling an upside-down seagull’s wings.

Sausage and Rosebud Lips

Sausage and Rosebud Lips

This lip shape aims to exaggerate a rosebud pout with more volume and definition. The upper lip is narrowed and rounds upward like a blooming rosebud, while the lower lip is significantly fuller like a plump sausage.

Full or Perfectly Proportioned Lips

Uniformly full lips have symmetrical upper and lower portions with a smooth Cupid’s bow and no indentations. The filled-in areas blend seamlessly for lush, maximized lip volume.

Shelf Lips

Shelf lips feature a flatter, wider upper lip that protrudes straight over the lower lip like a shelf, making your pout look squared off instead of rounded. Less definition but more surface area.

Thin Outer Lips

For thin lips or inverted triangle lip shapes, more filler is placed toward the inner pink parts of your lips. Less emphasis is given to defining contours. This helps delicate outer lip lines appear smoother and fuller.

Double Lobe Upper Lip

Double Lobe Upper Lip

A double lobe upper lip has enhanced definition in the Cupid’s bow area. Filler is used to create two rounded peaks or “lobes” on either side of the Cupid’s bow, instead of just one peak. This makes the Cupid’s bow look fuller and more pronounced. The double curved lobes give the upper lip an extra plump appearance that some find more feminine or youthful.

Triple Lobe Upper Lip

As the name suggests, a triple lobe upper lip has three defined curved lobes in the Cupid’s bow area rather than the natural single peak. Strategic filler injections enhance and exaggerate the ridges of your natural philtrum into three symmetrical upper lip lobes. This style aims for maximum volume and an intensely accentuated Cupid’s bow shape.

Double Lobe Lower Lip

You can also draw attention to your lower lip with a double-lobe style. The double-lobe lower lip shape uses fillers to create two “lobes” or protruding peaks in the thinner outer portion of the lower lip line. This doubles the lower lip’s contours for a more eye-catching outline with added fullness towards the middle “just kissed” portion.

Your Perfect Lips

Your Perfect Lips

The options are endless when customizing your ideal lip shape with fillers. After assessing your natural lip anatomy and facial features, your provider can determine the right balance of volume and definition. The goal is to enhance your beauty with a lip shape that looks natural yet maximizes your preferred contours and proportions. Your perfect lips highlight your best facial assets.


What is the most popular lip filler shape? 

The most common lip filler shape is slightly fuller lips that still look natural. This enhances the lips without making them look overly plump.

How do I choose a lip filler shape? 

Consider your natural lip shape and discuss with your injector what slight adjustments would balance your features. Looking at before pictures can help decide your goal shape.

What is the hardest lip shape to fill? 

Thin, asymmetric lips without much structure are the most difficult to treat with lip fillers, as it takes precision to add fullness evenly.

What is the rarest lip shape? 

True “heart-shaped” lips where the corner of the mouth turns sharply up are considered the most unusual natural lip shape.

What lip shape makes you look younger? 

Fullness in the upper lip makes the mouth look fresher and lifts the corners, creating a more youthful appearance than thinning lips.


With so many stunning lip shape options to choose from, it’s easy to understand why lip fillers are one of the most requested cosmetic treatments today. Whether you want a subtle enhancement or a dramatically different look, lip fillers allow you to pinpoint distinct parts of the lips for transformation. From amplifying your natural shape to achieving Instagram-worthy voluptuous lips, the possibilities are almost limitless.

This overview of popular, celebrity-inspired lip shapes you can attain through fillers highlighted everything from the Division to the Keyhole to the Triple Lobe. Keep in mind that your anatomy, facial features, skin tone, and personal style preferences all play a role in choosing your ideal lip shape. Consult an experienced, artistic provider and communicate your lip goals. With a customized filler injection approach tailored to your one-of-a-kind beauty, you’ll be on your way to the perfect pout.

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